What is a spinal Disc , anatomy and function

The vertebral disc or spinal disc is a specialised structure present between each vertebral body in the spine and it serves many functions like strengthening the spine and also as a shock absorber.  There are a total of 23 vertebral discs in the human body. As you all know spinal column is divided into various levels like cervical thoracic, lumbar, sacral and coccyx. Spinal discs are named to the corresponding levels of the vertebral column.

Structure of the spinal disc

Vertebral discs are composed of two parts namely annulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus. Annulus fibrosus is the outer portion of the disc and it is a tough circular structure composed of sheets of collagen fibres. Nucleus pulposus is the inner layer of the vertebral disc and compared to annulus fibrosus it is a loose layer of tissue composed of mucoprotein gel.

vertebral disc

The annulus fibrosus seals the nucleus pulposus so that the loose layer does not get protruded into the spinal canal normally. The annular fibres evenly distribute the pressure and force imposed on the vertebral disc. The two layers are like concentric cylinders and together forms the intervertebral disc. The outer portion of the vertebral disc has cartilagenous end plates which attaches the disc to the upper and lower vertebra strongly. During movement the pressure falls on the spinal column is greatly reduced by the shock absorbing property of the intervertebral disc.

At birth around 80 percentage of the vertebral disc is composed of water. This helps in the shock absorbing property of the spinal disc. As age progresses the water content of the disc reduces so as the shock absorbing property. This leads to breakage of annulus fibrosus and it leads to bulging of nucleus pulposus into the spinal canal causing disc herniation.

Main functions of the spinal disc

The primary function of the spinal disc is acting as a shock absorber in the spine.It also acts as tough ligaments that holds the upper and lower vertebral body and maintains the normal anatomy of spine.
Spinal disc also allows mobility of the spinal column.

Intervertebral disc space

It is actually the space between two adjacent vertebral bodies. If the disc space is less then it is suggestive of disc prolapse.


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